Plenary speakers

DAY 1 ( Monday)  May 20th  2024 (Kraków, Poland) PLENARY SPEAKERS
9.00 – 9.30  Prof. dr. Władysław Chłopicki (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)  
Brush Strokes as Signposts to Places Where We Weren’t Headed – from Mixed Metaphors to Communication through Humour
9.35 – 10.05Prof. dr. Shira Wolosky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)  
Dickinson Facing the Unknown: Ecological Otherness
10.10 – 10.40Dr. Dorota Mackenzie (Kozminski University Warsaw)  
The Ritual as the Universal Communication Code of Freemasonry
DAY 2 ( TUESDAY)  May 21st  2024 (online) PLENARY SPEAKER
9.00 – 9.30Prof. Dr. Tim Buchen  (TUD Dresden University of Technology/University of Wrocław)  
The Jewish Minority in Breslau 1933 – 1945: Topography of Persecution and Resistance
DAY 3 ( WEDNESDAY)  May 22nd  2024 (Wrocław, Poland) PLENARY SPEAKERS
9.00 – 9.30Prof. dr. Nataliia Romanyshyn (Lviv Polytechnic National University)  
Ukrainian Language and Identity under Soviet Totalitarism: Discursive Practices and Ideological Impositions
12.50 – 13.20Prof. dr. Michał Garcarz (University of Wrocław)  
Narration – a Dominating AVT Method in Poland
DAY 4 ( THURSDAY)  May 23rd  2024 (Poznań, Poland) PLENARY SPEAKER
9.00 – 9.30Dr. Małgorzata Zadka (University of Wrocław)  
Did the Ancients also Yell at Cats? Internet Meme Modifications Motivated by a Sense of Identity